1. Export the Default MP.
2. Find the Rules and DisplayStrings sections relating to the deleted AD Integration rules, and delete everything highlighted in yellow (below example) for each instance found.
3. Save and Import cleaned Default MP.
4. Delete associated security groups in Active Directory.
<Rule ID=”OPSMGRLAB_omms_1_opsmgrlab.com” Enabled=”true” Target=”SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.RootManagementServer” ConfirmDelivery=”false” Remotable=”true” Priority=”Normal” DiscardLevel=”100″>
<DataSource ID=”DS1″ TypeID=”Windows!Microsoft.Windows.LdapProvider”>
<UserAndDomain />
<Password />
<WriteAction ID=”WA1″ TypeID=”SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.ADWriter”>
<UserAndDomain />
<Password />
<SecureReferenceId />
Also the Display Strings associated
<DisplayString ElementID=”OPSMGRLAB_omms_1_opsmgrlab.com”>
<Name>AD rule for Domain: opsmgrlab.com, ManagementServer: OPSMGRLAB\omms-1</Name>
<Description>AD agent assignment rule for Domain: opsmgrlab.com, ManagementServer: OPSMGRLAB\omms-1</Description>