Category Archives: Powershell

Query SQL Server using Powershell

Just provide the required parameters to query your SQL Server.

$dbConnection: FQDN[,Port]

$dbName: database name

Param([string]$dbConnection, [string]$dbName)

function QuerySqlDatabase
    # Setup the SQL connection
    $connection = new-object"Data Source=$dbConnection;Initial Catalog=$dbName;Integrated Security=SSPI;");

    # Define TSQL
    [string]$query =
                your SQL statement here
    # Create the dataset and catch errors
    Try {
        $execute = new-object ($query, $connection)
        $dataset = new-object
        $execute.Fill($dataset) | Out-Null #speeds processing
    Catch {
        write-host "Exception while attempting to connect to SQL Server"
        $connectionDetails = $error[0]
        Write-Host "Exception details: $connectionDetails"
        Write-Host "Exiting"
    # Create an empty collection
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Rows = @()
    # Add each row in dataset to the collection
    foreach ($row in $dataset.Tables[0]) {
        $Rows.Add($row) | Out-Null #speeds processing
    # Pass collection to main script.
    return $Rows

QuerySqlDatabase $dbConnection $dbName


I updated my getClassPath script to work with OpsMgr 2012 cmdlet’s.

Original OpsMgr 2007 script is here:


##This script accepts a class name, and returns the entire
##Base class path. It also returns Host Class for each
##Base class returned. Essentially, you’ll see the entire
##class path for the given class.
##Jonathan Almquist
##version 2.0
##updated on 9/25/2012
##Usage = Get-ClassPath.ps1 <class_name>
##Example = Get-ClassPath.ps1 Microsoft.Windows.Computer

$ast = "-"
$class = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $classname}
Write-Host ($ast * 50)
Write-Host "TARGET CLASS" $class
Write-Host ($ast * 50)`n
while ($class -ne "False")
    $property = $class | foreach-object {$_.getProperties()} | Select-Object name
    foreach ($value in $Property)
        if ($ -ne $null)
            write-host `t`t`t`t $
            Write-Host `t`t`t`t "No properties"
    write-host `n
    Write-Host ($ast * 50)
    Write-Host "BASE CLASS PATH for" $class
    Write-Host ($ast * 50)`n
    $baseclass = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $}
    While ($ -ne $NULL)
        $property = $baseclass | foreach-object {$_.getProperties()} | Select-Object name
        foreach ($value in $Property)
            write-host `t`t`t`t $
        $baseclass = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $}
    if ($class.hosted -eq "True")
        $hostclass = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $Class.Name} | ForEach-Object {$_.findHostClass()}
        write-host `n
        Write-Host ($ast * 50)
        Write-Host "HOST CLASS for" $class
        Write-Host ($ast * 50)`n
        $class = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $Class.Name} | ForEach-Object {$_.findHostClass()}
        Write-Host $class
        write-host `t`t "*Not Hosted*" `n`n
        $class = "False"


