Microsoft Windows Local Application class type

AKA: Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication

This is the second post in the new VSAE Fragment category. The purpose of these types of posts is to provide a practical demonstration of how to create your own fragment library. I find this useful in management pack authoring, because it’s much easier to add and modify an existing fragment than to create elements and modules from scratch each time.

What does it do?

This may be the most common base classes used for a seed class. It’s easy to implement, because it doesn’t require you to create a hosting relationships. This base class *will* rollup to the windows computer class, as a local application. So, do not choose this as a base if you do not want your application to rollup to windows computer! This is considered a concrete class, and rolls up to windows computer.

Go here for a fragment that will discover this class type using the filtered registry discovery module.

<ManagementPackFragment SchemaVersion="2.0" xmlns:xsd="">
<!--Define application class and properties-->
<ClassType ID="SCOMskills.Demo.FilteredRegistry.Class" Abstract="false" Accessibility="Public" Base="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication" Hosted="true" Singleton="false">
<Property ID="IntegerProperty" Key="false" Type="int" />
<Property ID="StringProperty" Key="false" Type="string" />
<Property ID="DoubleProperty" Key="false" Type="double" />
<LanguagePack ID="ENU" IsDefault="true">
<!--Provide friendly display names for elements in this fragment-->
<DisplayString ElementID="SCOMskills.Demo.FilteredRegistry.Class">
<Name>SCOMskills Demo Filtered Registry Class</Name>
<Description>Demonstration of Microsoft.Windows.FilteredRegistryDiscoveryProvider</Description>
<DisplayString ElementID="SCOMskills.Demo.FilteredRegistry.Class" SubElementID="IntegerProperty">
<Name>Integer Property</Name>
<DisplayString ElementID="SCOMskills.Demo.FilteredRegistry.Class" SubElementID="StringProperty">
<Name>String Property</Name>
<DisplayString ElementID="SCOMskills.Demo.FilteredRegistry.Class" SubElementID="DoubleProperty">
<Name>Double Property</Name>

2 thoughts on “Microsoft Windows Local Application class type”

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