I’ve been asked on a few occasions to automate management packs. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information about how to do to do this using Powershell in the MSDN development kit. I am providing a couple Powershell functions you can add to your automation process that will generate a new management pack.
Just update the output directory, pack name, pack display name, and version in the highlighted lines.
function CreateNewPack ($id, $name, $version) { $mpStore = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.IO.ManagementPackFileStore $managementPack = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPack($id, $name, (New-Object Version(1,0,0,$version)), $mpStore) $managementPack.DefaultLanguageCode = 'ENU' $managementPack.DisplayName = $name $managementPack.Description = $name + ' management pack was auto-generated' $managementPack } function WriteManagementPack ($directory, $mp) { $mpWriter = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.IO.ManagementPackXmlWriter($directory) $mpWriter.WriteManagementPack($mp) | Out-Null } $directory = 'c:\My Pack' $mp = CreateNewPack 'MyNewPack' 'My New Pack' 1 $mp.AcceptChanges() WriteManagementPack $directory $mp
Contact SCOMskills if you are interested in learning more about management pack automation, at automation@scomskills.com.
Thanks for this John.
Nice one! Cheers!
Is there a switch or configuration you can add to this so that the MP does not appear in the monitoring pane of the SCOM console? Many time I create MP for over rides and I do not want this MP to appear the SCOM console.
There is no folder being created in these functions, so you shouldn’t see the pack appear in the monitoring pane.
How can i create from a list? or multiple MP’s