Find base class, hosting class, and all properties using powershell

A few years ago, I wrote a powershell script that returns the entire base and host class path for a given class, including all available properties on each of the classes. This can be useful in a few different scenarios, including management pack development.

I haven’t used the script in a while, but the other day ran into a situation where it was quite handy. I had to update it to work with SCOM 2012, however, so I thought I would post the updated script here for future reference.

You can find the SCOM 2007 version here.


##This script accepts a class name, and returns the entire
##Base class path.  It also returns Host Class for each
##Base class returned.  You'll see the entire
##class path for the given class.
##Author: Jonathan Almquist, Scomskills
##version 2.0 (for SCOM 2012)
##Original: 11-01-2008
##Updated: 07-07-2014

##Usage = getClassPath.ps1 <class_system_name>
##Example = getClassPath.ps1 Microsoft.Windows.Computer

$ast = "-"
$class = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $classname}
Write-Host ($ast * 50)
Write-Host "TARGET CLASS" $class
Write-Host ($ast * 50)`n
while ($class -ne "False")
    $property = $class | foreach-object {$_.getProperties()} | Select-Object name
    foreach ($value in $property)
        if ($ -ne $null)
            write-host `t`t`t`t $
            Write-Host `t`t`t`t "No properties"
    write-host `n
    Write-Host ($ast * 50)
    Write-Host "BASE CLASS PATH for" $class
    Write-Host ($ast * 50)`n
    $baseclass = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $}
    While ($ -ne $NULL)
        $property = $baseclass | foreach-object {$_.getProperties()} | Select-Object name
        foreach ($value in $property)
            write-host `t`t`t`t $
        $baseclass = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $}
    if ($class.hosted -eq "True")
        $hostclass = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $class.Name} | ForEach-Object {$_.findHostClass()}
        write-host `n
        Write-Host ($ast * 50)
        Write-Host "HOST CLASS for" $class
        Write-Host ($ast * 50)`n
        $class = get-scomclass | where {$ -eq $class.Name} | ForEach-Object {$_.findHostClass()}
        Write-Host $class
        write-host `t`t "*Not Hosted*" `n`n
        $class = "False"



2 thoughts on “Find base class, hosting class, and all properties using powershell”

  1. Thanks for this. Just wondering if you can start to add attachments to your posts, especially when you post code. I don’t want to have to call TC or Rick to get this done. 😉

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